Maria Theresa S. Samante, Aug 24, 2008
The Commission on Elections (COMELEC) announced that the registration for overseas absentee voting for May 10, 2010 national election will start on December 1, 2008 up to August 31, 2009.
Ellene Sana, Executive Director of the Center for Migrant Advocacy and member of the International Coalition for Overseas Filipino Voting Rights, said that this is the registration aims to help COMELEC clean up the outdated voter’s list.
Sana said that there are overseas Filipino workers (OFWs) who have returned home while others has moved to another job to another country or residence. Thus, OFWs who wants to take part in the 2010 presidential election are encouraged to register or update their registration with the COMELEC. As this is stated in the in COMELEC resolution 8458 which is the general instructions for the resumption of continuing registration/ certification of qualified overseas absentee voters for purposes of the May 10, 2010 national elections and subsequent national elections thereafter.
Sana’s campaign for the registration of overseas absentee voting turnout the 65% absentee votes in the 2004 presidential election fell into 16.21% in the 2007 senatorial elections.