Job Openings for RP Workers in Saudi Hospital
Feb 8, 2008
The following are the job details and the list of requirements:
Doctor of Dental Medicine; SR 2550.OO + SR 100.00 per qualified year of experience; 3 months salary housing allowance with a minimum of SR 8000.00.
2 years college education; SR 1725.00 to a maximum of SR 2250.00;
3 months salary housing allowance with a minimum of SR 8000.00.
IT / Computer Programming / System Analyst Degree; SR 2550.00 + SR 100.00 per qualified year of experience; 3 months salary housing allowance with a minimum of SR 8000.00.
Secretarial Course or Bachelors Degree; SR 2550.00 + SR 100.00 per qualified year of experience: 3 months salary housing allowance with a
minimum of SR 8000.00.
1. (1) pc. (2x2) picture
2. Photocopy of College Diploma and Employment Certificates
3. Photocopy of Board License / Certificate and PRC ID (if any)
4. No Objection Certificate (for ex-Saudi)
QUALIFIED APPLICANTS should personally submit a detailed resume with job description, with the above requirements at the Manpower Registry Division, Window K, Ground Floor,
NOTE: KSUH representatives are scheduled to conduct interview of suitable candidates on