Hiring Filipino Workers
Jun 11, 2007
Overseas Filipino workers (OFWs) is in-demand worldwide. For this reason, the process of hiring Filipino workers is a highly-regulated industry by the Philippine Government. The Philippine Overseas Employment Administration (POEA) is a government agency tasked to safeguard the rights and protect the interests of OFWs. While the Philippine Congress enacts laws governing manpower placements abroad, the POEA prescribes policies and regulations and issues circulars in so far as manpower placements abroad are concerned.
All Philippine recruitment agencies, of which Galaxy Services, Inc. is one of them, operate under the strictest supervision of POEA. While a number of recruitment agencies have either been suspended one time or another, or altogether stopped or banned from operating (license to operate cancelled), Galaxy has managed to stay "clean" from the time it got its license in 1979 up to the present.
While there are some moves to deregulate within the industry at present, the highly regulated mode shall continue to exist. Consequently, all recruitment agencies in the
Article copied from http://www.galaxy.ph/