How to Catch Recruiters' Attention
Maria Theresa S. Samante, Sep 3, 2006
The Internet has been very useful, it can give you any information you need in just one click. And now, it has made the world of recruitment changing, no need to spend hours searching through classified ads.
Since applying through the Internet is so effortless, companies were swamped by applicants and got no time to sort them by skill. So make sure that your resumé can catch recruiters’ attention. Here are some tips that can help you make a winning resumé and get your dream job.
Keep your resumé updated. WorkAbroad has more than 100,000 applicants resumés reside in its database and is expected to rev up and that will give you just a little chance to get recruiters attention. Recruiters prefer resumés that are regularly updated, aside from that, WorkAbroad displays the latest resumés on the top of the pile.
Put all necessary information. Make sure that you put all the necessary information in your resumé. If you have attended trainings related in the job you are applying you can also include it. If you have advanced education, special skills, and if you are certified, do not forget to put them in your resumé. You can be easily search by the employers if you provide all your skills and qualifications in your resumé.
Apply only in jobs that best suits you. Apply and choose only on jobs that best suit your qualifications. Recruiters/employers get irate when they see the same name in different job openings. Applying in every vacancy might break your dream to land a job abroad.
Use Keywords
Using keywords is one method of company in searching qualified applicants. Using keywords in your resumé can help you catch your recruiters/employers’ eyes.
Recruiters use keywords based on applicants’ skills/knowledge on the field they are applying. Examples of keywords they use are “mechanic,” “trailer,” “komatsu,” for heavy machinery operators and “Oracle,” “JAVA,” “C++,” for information technology professionals.
Companies receive thousands of applicants’ resumé daily and instead of viewing it one by one, they just make use a computer tracking system to sort applicants by skill. So it is best to tailor your resumé with keywords that recruiters and employers mostly looked for.
Check and update your contact information. Be sure that when you display your resumé you provide accurate contact number. It should be updated so that recruiters and employers can easily reach you.
Supply a picture in your resumé. Choose a formal picture. Adding a photo in your resumé can also impress the recruiters. You must upload a photo with a maximum size of 20KB and must have maximum dimension of 150x150 pixels, or else you will encounter a problem uploading it.
Follow-up with the recruitment agency. WorkAbroad.ph is not a recruitment agency, it only facilitates job application. It doesn’t have direct connection with the agencies register in the website. This means that follow-ups must be made directly with the recruitment agencies. So, when you want to inquire with the application you made, you can call or e-mail the agency. Contact information of each agency can also be found when you click the job opening.
These are some simple ways on how you can easily catch recruiters’ attention. When you finally land a job, it is still necessary to update your resumé. You have to put your resumé to “hide status” to avoid receiving calls and emails from employers.