If you want to work in Korea, one requirement that you have to go through is the Employment Permit System-Korean Language Test (EPS-KLT). This is a prerequisite before one can apply to any job opening in Korea. Since its implementation last September 2005, two examinations for applicants were already given.
For those who are interested, POEA announces the third Korean Language Test which is set on June 4, 2006. The place of examination will be announced later. The registration for EPS-KLT is from May 12-19, 2006 and this will be on a first-come first served basis. Jobseekers are obliged to file their application personally at the POEA Manpower Registry Division. Only the applicants that fulfill the basic requirements (e.g. age, education, work experience, fitness to work, no record of illegal stay in Korea, etc.) will be permitted to take the test.
The following are the requirements:
- Registration with the POEA
- Male (The examination is open only to male applicants for now because of the huge number of female passers who are still waiting to be deployed).
- Must be between 18-38 years old
- Work experience:
For college graduates – at least one year experience
For college undergraduates – at least two years experience.
- Two valid identification cards
- Four pcs. 2X2 pictures
- KLT fee of US$ 30, or its peso equivalent
Other Information:
As preparation for the said examination, there is a program called Korean Language Training. The Philippine Overseas Employment Administration (POEA) is the only authorized agency to give KLT in the Philippines. This is in cooperation with International Korean Language Foundation (IKLF) which is the only agency designated by the Ministry of Labor of Korea to give KLT to EPS applicants, and the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA).This training is not required to be able to take the EPS-KLT.
For more information on EPS-KLT schedule, please visit www.poea.gov.ph