Arabic maybe Required for Aspiring Middle East OFWs
Maria Theresa S. Samante, Feb 23, 2006
Arabic language maybe required to overseas Filipino workers (OFWs) who aspires to work in the Middle East, likewise to any other migrant workers.
The group of ustadzes says that Filipino should learn not only Arabic language also their culture and tradition of the Arabic country they prefer to work.
According to Ustadz Madaththir Palis, Public Educators of Madrasah President, lack of knowledge on Arabic language is the common cause of conflict between Filipino workers and their Arab employers.
"We have learned from a study that the poor knowledge on the Arabic language is the very reason why workers and their employers often misunderstand each other," he said.
This scenario pushed the Ustahdzes to propose Arabic language lessons be taken by migrant workers before they leave the country to work in the Middle East. The group is offering their services to these workers by teaching them basic language.
“We are willing to teach them how to write and speak Arabic the right way." Palis added.
In Davao City alone, about 2,000 Comprehensive Madaris schools are about to open and offer short courses on Arabic language to cater to the growing number of Filipinos planning to work in the Arab countries.
The Ustadzes said the initial discussion will probably take place next year. They are also set to meet with the Philippine Overseas Employment Authority (POEA) and the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) to discuss possible policies that would make these Arabic lessons pre-requisite for going abroad.