Things You Should Not Do If You've Been Fired
Jun 20, 2022
Job loss is a devastating experience, even if you've been anticipating it. You might feel overwhelmed with intense emotions like fear, anger, and sadness. But even so, it's crucial not to act on your feelings and remain both professional and calm throughout the process.
The future of your career will hang in the balance of how you decide to handle the situation. Your actions at this moment are critical, and there are several things you should not do because some actions can make matters worse in the long run regarding your career.
While it's worthwhile to seek wrongful termination advice from HKM if your termination breaches your contract or labor laws, we've rounded up some of the most prominent mistakes employees make when fired.
Storming Off Without Signing The Important Documents
Even though you might feel like not much matters at this point, if you decide to vacate your job role without signing all the essential documents first, you could find yourself in hot water later.
You will need to read through and sign exit documents carefully. Make sure you receive copies of these documents as well.
Discussing Your Severance Package Before You've Consulted A Lawyer
You might feel hasty to sign any severance package offered to you by the company to get things over and done with as soon as possible. However, if you are offered a severance package, it's wise to give yourself some time to process the offer.
In addition to this, consulting an employment lawyer now is also wise. Your lawyer will negotiate the highest possible amount for you and ensure you are treated fairly throughout the process.
Dismissing The Chance To Resign
In some situations, employees can anticipate termination long before the fact. In these situations, it's often best for employees to take the opportunity to resign before they are fired. Opting for resignation might entitle you to an exit package. Moreover, it won't be as challenging to explain why you left your previous company vs. explaining why you were fired when being interviewed in the future.
Belittling The Company And Your Colleagues
Of course, you're upset at this point; you might want to say things to feel you have somehow regained control of the situation. Psychologically, it's only human to want to portray the company and your colleagues in a bad light, especially if you were fired unfairly.
However, this is a big mistake. It's best to keep mum in the situation except when consulting your lawyer.
Losing Faith In Your Career
Lastly, the most impactful mistake an employee can make after being fired is giving up on their career. Just because one job has come to an end does not mean you won't find another.
What's more, you might even find a better opportunity that pays well. So, once you have grieved the loss and consulted a lawyer, keep your eyes peeled for opportunities in your industry. And you might even consider an exciting career change.