Why an OFW is included in POEA's watchlist
Apr 19, 2016
Overseas Filipino workers or OFWs included in the Philippine Overseas Employment Administration (POEA) watchlist may not be allowed to fly and work abroad. An OFW may be in the watchlist if an administrative case was filed against him in accordance to Section I, Rule III of POEA’s Rules and Regulations Governing the Recruitment and Employment of Land-based Overseas Workers. Below are the reasons why an OFW may be included in POEA’s watchlist. SERIOUS OFFENSES Pre-Employment Offenses Using, providing, or submitting false information or documents for purposes of job application or employment. Unjustified refusal to continue his/her application after signing an employment contract or depart for the worksite after all employment and travel documents have been duly approved by the appropriate government agency/ies. Offenses during Employment Commission of a felony or crime punishable by Philippine Laws or by the laws of the host country. Assaulting a fellow worker, the principal/employer or any member of his or her family, or any of the directors, officers, managerial or supervisorial staff of the principal/employer. Grave abuse of authority by an officer exercising supervision over other employees. Possession or use of prohibited drugs, contraband, alcohol or pornographic materials violation of company policy or laws of the host country.
Unjustified refusal to be repatriated in case of mandatory repatriation in accordance with the declaration of the Philippine government.
Unjustified breach of employment contract.
Embezzlement of company funds or monies and/or properties of a fellow worker entrusted for delivery to kin or relatives in the Philippines.
Violation/s of the sacred practices of the host country.
Violation of company policies and regulations.
Insubordination or refusal to obey a lawful order of the employer or the duly authorized representative.
Failure to refund the cost of his/her repatriation advanced by the principal or recruitment agency, where termination of employment was due to his/her own fault as determined by final judgment.
Violation of the Code of Discipline for Overseas Filipino Workers.
An OFW will also be banned from travelling abroad if a warrant of arrest or hold departure order was released by the lawful agency or the court.
However, an OFW may be allowed to travel and work abroad once he had submitted a response to the case filed against him (if it is a less serious complaint/case) and obtained a clearance or approval from the lawful agency or the court.