HSWs in KSA: Do Only What is Stated in Your Contract
Apr 10, 2015
Overseas Filipino workers or OFWs have signed a contract with their employer once they’re accepted for a job offer. It is stipulated in the standard contract of an OFW: the duration of their employment, the type of job or position title, salary and benefits, and work hours. No OFW should sign the said contract if it doesn’t clearly state any of these conditions and if the position is different from what they applied for. OFWs should also be aware of employment contract substitution that is happening to migrant workers especially in the Middle East as this act may violate their rights as OFWs.
Recently, domestic workers in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia have been reported to do jobs other than what is covered in their contracts. Their employers have made them do works in their small home businesses, as employing new workers have been difficult lately.
The Ministry of Labor had reminded employers that employment of domestic workers at female workshops, which is becoming a booming business in the kingdom, is a violation of the domestic labor regulations.
Punishments will be given to those proven guilty of violations by assigning their domestic workers to jobs other than specified in their sponsors contract. On the other hand, deportation will be applied for domestic workers who are working under an employer different from their sponsor and have not officially transferred sponsorship.