Japan to Ease Employment Process for Filipino Healthcare Workers
Audrey, Jan 11, 2015
Good news for all Filipino healthcare workers wanting to land an overseas job in Japan! You’ll now have a greater chance of being employed in the land of the rising sun. Japanese Ambassador Kazuhide Ishikawa made a promise to Vice-president Jejomar Binay that will benefit Filipino healthcare workers who are aiming to work in the country, during his courtesy call. The benefits includes: Easy process for Filipino healthcare workers to be employed, and Modification of Japanese nursing licensure examinations to raise passing rate for Filipino healthcare worker candidates Most Filipino healthcare workers fails to be employed in Japan because of the licensure examination, which is written in Japanese language. Binay found Ishikawa’s promise as ‘an excellent opportunity for Filipino nurses and caregivers not only to find meaningful employment abroad, but also to showcase the best of what we have to offer to the world’.
The Japan-Philippines Economic Partnership Agreement which was signed in 2006 resulted to deployment of Filipino nurses and caregivers to Japan.
*source: abs-cbnnews
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