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The Standard Employment Contract of an OFW
Apr 18, 2014
Before signing an employment contract, a hired employee must always make sure that the document that he has on his hands is the aunthentic copy of the contract and details that matter are stated clearly. For Filipinos who wish to work overseas, the Philippine Overseas Employment Administration or POEA has provided a list of the standard contents of an employment contract.
Newly-hired overseas Filipino workers must check their employment contract if it states the following minimum provisions:
- statement of place of work (this includes company name, city and country of destination)
- contract duration
- the type of job or position title
- monthly salary rates (this may be in accordance to what was agreed upon by the PH government and the host country in a bilateral agreement)
- Regular work schedules per day (8 hours per day for not more than six days per week)
- overtime pay for service beyond regular working hours
- offsetting benefits such as free transportation to and from the worksite, food and accommodation
- employee benefits that includes vacation leave, sick leave, medical and dental, workmen's compensation in cases of work related sickness, injury and death
- provision regarding death of the employee
- just causes for termination
An employment contract stipulates various terms and conditions to be agreed upon by the hired individual/OFW and the foreign employer. This reiterates the rights and obligations of the employee and the foreign employer. This may also serve as the basis in instances where there is en employee-employer dispute.
So, for you overseas Filipino worker, it is very important to read and analyze the employment contract that you are about to sign. After all this one document will protect you and your rights as a migrant worker.