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Welfare Program Launched for OFWs
Feb 20, 2014
In order to help OFWs find alternative businesses and livelihood aside from working overseas, the local government of Victorias City in Negros Occidental will launch an OFW Welfare Program for OWWA-registered OFWs.
The welfare program are available for OFWs from Victorias that aims to let OFWs secure assistance from OFW agencies in availing special loan programs from Overseasl Worker Welfare Administration (OWWA).
The launch of the program will be held on February 21st at the Victorias City Sports and Amusement Center where resource person from various institutions will speak and orient about OWWA's OFW Reintegration Fund.
Both present and past OWWA-registered OFWs are qualified to benefit from the said program. About 900 attendees already confirmed their participation for the launch.
For more information, contact Executive Assistant to the Mayor and OFW-in-charge Dino Acuña at telephone numbers (034) 399-3686.
Any Victoriahanon OFWs out there? Share the good news!
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