Survey Says OFWs Would Not Cover Up for Fellow Filipinos
Oct 3, 2012
In every workplace or situation, there are rules and regulations to be followed. This rule is applicable to everyone but more so for overseas workers as being caught with an offense may be doubly difficult in a foreign land where punishments may be harsher and one’s support group is miles away.
But what if you are an OFW who caught a fellow Filipino doing something that is against the policies? Would you turn the other eye to save your “kababayan” from being reprimanded? Or would you not hesitate to expose him/her?
Apparently Filipinos abroad would not tolerate a wrong deed even if the concerned individual is also a Filipino. This conclusion is based from an informal survey that was conducted among site visitors of and Facebok page from August 13 to September 2, 2012.
Of the total respondents of the said survey, 83% answered “No” to the question – Would you cover up a wrong deed done by a fellow Filipino abroad?
What can you say about the result of this survey? You can share your opinions by leaving a comment below.