POEA Warns Jobseekers Against Job offers in Iraq and Afghanistan
Sep 28, 2011
The news that the Philippine Overseas Employment Administration (POEA) partially lifted the deployment ban in Iraq and Afghanistan is being used by unscrupulous individuals to tricked unsuspecting applicants by promising jobs to the said countries. For this reason, the POEA issued an advisory to remind jobseekers that for the moment any job offers to Iraq and Afghanistan is illegal or nonexistent because the deployment ban is still in place.
According to Carlos Cao Jr., POEA administrator, “Illegal recruiters saying otherwise must not be believed and must be reported to POEA and other law enforcement authorities for legal action."
“OFWs with existing contracts inside US camps and facilities in the two countries — who will visit the Philippines, will be allowed by POEA to return to those countries,” he explained.
Reports say that the illegal recruiters are active in the following areas: Batangas, Bataan, and Cabanatuan. They are also operating in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.