Possible Reasons Why You Still Don’t Have a Job
Feb 13, 2011
Online job application is the in thing nowadays. This option that is not available to jobseekers of the past has made the lives of present job hunters so easy and convenient. Those who are looking for a job need not browse every page of the classifieds section of local newspapers or go from office to office to view available job openings and submit resumes and other credentials. They can simply register to a job site and then create an online resume.
Registration is free and easy as only a valid email address is required. Upon completion of a resume, the applicant can then browse the list of latest job openings and then send their application on the spot just by clicking the Apply button. Online job application is even made easier for job hunters because available jobs are usually sorted by important categories such as specializations, location, etc.
To review job applications, the applicant can simply log-in to their jobseeker’s account anytime they wish to. They can also make a follow-up regarding their application by calling the company or agency that posted the job opening. This is possible because the contact details of the company are displayed along with the job opening.
However, even with all the convenience of online job hunting, many still find the online job application process confusing. Many people would complain that their job application is unsuccessful and wonder why the easier mode did not work for them. The following are the possible reasons why:
Your résumé is either incomplete/needs to be edited. Résumé is one of the most important tools of a jobseeker either in online or personal application. That piece of paper represents you and usually it is the sole basis of a prospective employer in choosing applicants to be called for interview. Take time to make your online resume 100% complete by encoding important information that can land you your dream job.
You résumé lacks important keywords. In online job application, recruitment officers search for possible applicants by browsing at the database of résumés. There are thousands of resumes available so it is not possible for them to view each resume. To search applicants, they usually type in keywords that are relevant to the job position they are offering. For example, those looking for a nurse may type in the keywords such as operating room nurse, dialysis nurse, IELTS, NCLEX, CGFNS, etc. Make sure your résumé is loaded with the right keywords to increase your chance of getting a job.
You applied for a job and then forget about it. If you are actively seeking for a job, it is a must that you regularly log in to your account at least until you get a job offer. Logging in your account keeps your resume at the top of the pile so employers can easily search for it.
You are not qualified. It is also possible that you are applying for a job position that is not suited to your qualifications and interests. Apply to the job opening where you are truly qualified so you have more chances of getting hired.
You are posting your résumé in the wrong places. Some people would post their résumé in the comment section of an article or blog post about a job opening. This is a no-no because employers would not search for a resume there nor would they consider hiring someone who would send an application to a very informal means such as that. In fact by exposing your personal details in a very public place, you may become a target of scammers and swindlers.
The above reasons are just some of the possible explanations why one is still unemployed. Avoid committing the mistakes mentioned above and you may soon find yourself with an attractive job offer.