Fake Recruiter Targets OFWs in HK, Offer Jobs in Canada
Jun 29, 2013
Filipinos working in Hong Kong especially the household service workers (HSWs) are warned against an illegal recruiter that targets to victimize them. According to an advisory posted by POEA in their official website, a recruitment agency, Yamsuan and Associates Overseas Employment Services Ltd./Pacific Management Services Ltd. lure possible victims by offering non-existent jobs in the North American country.
The POEA chief, Hans Cacdac citing a report from the DFA’s Office of the Undersecretary for Migrant Workers’ Affairs (OUMWA) said that Yamsuan and Associates advertise their fake jobs to Canada in English newspapers in Hong Kong.
The DFA report said, “The advertisement says the agency can help them find work in Canada and invites them to an orientation in its office.”
The Philippine Consulate General in Hong Kong reported that the owner of Yamsuan and Associates known only as Mr. Yasmuan is a Filipino and his employees are also Filipinos. Its registered address in Hong Kong is at the 9th Floor, 4-6 Morrison Hill Road, Wanchai.
There are already 44 alleged victims of Yamsuan and Associates who have filed complaints at the Philippine Embassy in Hong Kong. The complainants reported that the illegal agency asked them to pay USD100 to USD300 as placement fee to get a job in Canada.
The poor victims complied with the required fees but the job they expected never came. When they went back to the office of Yamsuan, they find it empty and non-operational.
The Embassy of the Philippines in Hong Kong is calling other victims of the said agency to
The POEA chief on the other hand reminded applicants to be meticulous and wise when dealing with agencies offering overseas jobs.
Cacdac said, “Scammers with tempting job offers are out there, waiting to pound on unsuspecting applicants who are willing to part with their hard-earned money for a chance to work overseas.”